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In this course we will explore both hardware and software aspects for a thorough understanding of microprocessor based devices.  We will be using a low cost processor board, learn it capabilities and limitations, how to program and other what other options are available.

Pinky Trinket

SKU: 1001
  • Topic Outline/Schedule

          Introduction to the hardware  (15 min.)

                Trinket Processor board

                Support hardware


          Introduction to the Integrated Development Environment  (30 min.)

                Processor requirements

                Downloading the IDE

                Installing the IDE

                Running the IDE

          Sketch  (30 min.)

                Opening a file

                Editing a file

                Downloading a file

                Running a file

              Modifying a file

         Create a custom application  (45 min)


    Course Materials

         Adafruit Trinket -

         Case -

         LED Flower -

         Laptop or other Windows based computer-


    Course Requirements



    On-line Resources


    Student Learning Outcomes

    At the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Identify what makes up a microprocessor device,
    • Attach the Trinket to a Windows based computer for programming,
    • Download and install the Arduino Integrated Development Environment,
    • Program the microprocessor device,
    • Develop, troubleshoot and run programs that control external devices.
  • A full refund will be issued to participants if a class is cancelled.

San Diego, CA 92103

           EIN # 46-5377668

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